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How Long Does Frozen Fruit Last? Picture of frozen blackberries.

How Long Does Frozen Fruit Last?

Freezing is a great way to prolong the shelf life of perishable food items such as fruits, which would be rotten within a couple of days if stored at room temperatures.

But freezing does not ensure it will remain protected from rotting! Although freezing can prolong the life of fruits by a few months instead of the short shelf life of fruit in your fridge, there are some aspects you should remember before consumption.

Find out more about frozen fruits, how to store them, and the best way to ensure they're completely safe to consume!

Why Freeze Fruit?

The debate over fresh and frozen food is a fairly new one that has split people between choosing one or the other.

The good news is that the freezing of fruits is safe and an excellent method to not only prolong the shelf-life of food items but also preserve their nutritional value.

The market for frozen food is massive and crowded with choices.

Companies try to compete with the quality of the fruit they produce and the quality of their freezing processes, but at their core, every company employs the same method to flash freeze fruits to extend their lifespan.

The issue of spoilage usually comes down to the method that consumers use to conserve the fruit after they return home.

Frozen fruits are extremely convenient because they can be accessed out of season. 

Simply open the pack, take a portion, and put the remainder back in the freezer!

However, how safe are these fruits over time? Do they have the potential to go bad?

The simple answer is: Yes, any food item is likely to bad over time. Even if it's not bad in the sense in that it develops mold, it can lose flavour because of the process of oxidation.

However, there are methods that you can extend both the shelf-life and the quality of frozen fruit to ensure that it remains fresh and firm every time you use it.

Storing Frozen Fruit

The issue of frozen fruit becoming rotten is due to storage conditions and the nature of the fruit.

In the majority of cases, every kind of fruit is stored and frozen using the same method. This means that every fruit will have an identical shelf-life.

But, the storage time is dependent on the method you use to preserve the fruit!

Unopened packs of fruits that have been kept in the right conditions could easily be kept for up to 12 months and continue to taste lovely. However, pay more attention to open packs.

After the packaging is opened and the fruit is exposed to the air, the fruit will very slowly begin to deteriorate! Naturally, you will not notice it immediately, but the fruit will begin to show this over time.

This is contingent on the following:

  • The open packs are susceptible to temperature variations. Closing and opening the door to the freezer, power failures, or problems with the freezer can spoil the fruit quicker than those kept at a steady frozen rate.
  • Refrozen fruit is more likely to spoil sooner than fruit that is consistently frozen.
  • Unsuitable storage temperatures or anything higher than 0 degrees F may alter the quality of fruits.

To prolong the longevity of the frozen fruits it is essential to ensure that they are frozen in the correct conditions.

Most of the time, you will find that the "right conditions" are printed on the back of each package, and you can follow these steps to make the most of the taste of the fruit.

However, there are additional things to be aware of too.

Freezer Burn

As we mentioned earlier, frozen fruit can spoil in various ways. One way is when the food develops frozen burn.

Freezer burn doesn't impact the safety of the food items, but it reduces the flavour of the food and can spoil its texture. This occurs when air enters the fruit, and it begins to turn it brown while still frozen.

Freezer burn can cause patches of accumulation of ice over the affected area. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that the fruit is bad, but as it will not taste as good and taste as good, it's better to throw away any damaged fruits rather than salvage the damaged ones.

How To Prevent Freezer Burn

Freezer burn is easily prevented by wrapping or sealing the package or shifting the frozen fruit into airtight containers.

It is vital to keep in mind that freezer burn only affects fruits that are exposed to air. So when you purchase a bag of frozen fruits from the store and then put them straight into the freezer, they are not likely to suffer from freezer burn.

But, if you let the frozen items defrost, they could be affected by the extra water.

Simply transfer them to an airtight container, and place them on the side of the freezer away from the entrance. Be sure to keep an eye on the expiry date as well!

Fruit frozen in the freezer can be used up until the expiry date if stored correctly. However, the longer they are frozen, the more likely they lose their flavour and texture.

Checking For Rot On Frozen Fruit

If frozen fruit isn't stored as directed it may begin to degrade.

In addition to the freezer burns, they may also show spoilage.


Fruit that has been improperly frozen or fruits that have been frozen and thawed repeatedly can gradually develop mold.

Don't forget that freezing temperatures won't destroy the spores or mold, they just stop the growth. The mold stays inactive and begins to expand as normal when the frozen fruit is thawed!

Foul Smell

The most obvious sign that fruit is spoiled occurs when the fruit begins to smell after they have thawed. This is a distinct sign of spoilage.

Slime Or Textural/Color Changes

A slimy film is evidence of rot. If the fruit is covered in an obvious layer of slime, is excessively soft, and is become dark or brown, it's an appropriate time to get rid of it!

Frequently Asked Questions


Can you eat frozen fruits past the end date?

Fruit frozen can last beyond its expiry date when properly stored during storage time.

But, be aware of any evidence of spoilage before eating the fruit. Always defrost and inspect the fruit before adding them to your dish or consuming them as is.

Can the effects of freezer burn be removed?

The accumulated Ice can be removed by applying clean water to the fruit, but even so, you probably won't be able to save the fruit from any textural or flavour variations.

The washing method effectively separates the white mould from the freezer burn that may appear.

Remember, freezer burn can be washed off with ease using water. However, mould can remain in the food even after it has been adequately cleaned.

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